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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 20 June 2023

Please read this privacy policy carefully, it contains information on how this site uses your personal data. This document applies to all sites associated with and can change at any given time with notification. Changes made to this document will never give a user less privacy rights then in a previous version.

1. How does this site collect data?

This site itself only collects data when the user explicitly wants to share data, for example: an online form for a giveaway. This site does not collect or store any personal infomation on its own. See section 2 for third party data access.

2. Do third party applications have access to my data?

This site uses third party apps like Google Analytics and Google Adsense. Google Ads has its own policy, you can read up on it right here: You can opt-out of Google Adsense in your own Google account. This site or the owner is not responsible for Googles use of your personal data.

3. Can I request data deletion?

Yes. Every user has the right to delete their data. This includes everything that is saved on the site. If you would like to get in contact, You can contact us via the Contact Us page. The message must be written in English, you will not get a response if the message is written in any other language.

4. Any further information

You can contact us via the Contact Us page for any further information. The message must be written in English, you will not get a response if the message is written in any other language.